Get to Know Us
Hi, I’m Claire Tolley, I started brewing kombucha in 2018, it was about the same time as I started to keep honeybees. Back then I brewed straight kombucha with sugar. It was a time of perseverance. The kombucha tasted like vinegar and my family point blank refused to drink it. I decided to experiment with honey in place of the sugar and as my confidence grew, I began to play with the fermentation, temperature, timing and ingredients all of which had an effect on the brew and I noticed that it was also having a positive affect on me.
The clearest realisation I had of this was during Covid lockdown. I had a tooth abscess on the root of one of my front teeth. Being lockdown, I was prescribed antibiotics over the phone, 3 times. I was ill, I felt poorly and the abscess was not going. I went to see the dentist and he was ready to pull the tooth. I was mortified. I begged for one more stab at it. I went home and brewed myself the best brew I could and drank one litre a day. Guess what … it worked! Now, I want to be clear that this worked for me and in no way should you stop taking prescribed medication, after all, I’m not a health professional. But I was there, in that awful, painful, dreaded place and I believe I got through it because I drank Cridling (the name I gave to my Mead Kombucha).
Over the last couple of years a lot has changed, my family drink Cridling willingly every day and I’ve had so many people test it that I was practically forced into developing this into a saleable product. Bringing Cridling to the market has been a challenge and a calling and we’re still developing products so please check in regularly for updates.
Give Cridling a try and drink it because you want to, because it’s a great tasting drink, because if you can do one good thing for your body that you can enjoy and that doesn’t add stress to your life, drink Cridling.
Since that time, I’ve had Cridling tested at food testing laboratories and I now know that Cridling contains some great cultures including Lactic Acid Bacteria, Polyphenols, enzymes and plenty of the vitamins etcetera you would find in most well brewed kombuchas. Don’t forget the pure honey either, after all that’s where they say medicine got its name, (Mead - Medicine). I like to read research findings on how important gut health is, it really has huge effects on the body, nervous system and brain. If you’re interested, please have a read in our Blog section as there is some information in there and we plan to include much more in upcoming blogs.
In the winter of 2021 I became ill again, this time I was having allergic reactions and had to be prescribed steroids, daily antihistamines and EpiPens. I felt very, very poorly with many other symptoms including skin problems and serious eye issues. Guess what … yes, you’ve got it, I picked myself up, drank plenty of Cridling and I was fighting fit a few months later.